Welcome back, Loyal Readers! The Dawg is in the House!

We’re Zooming with the Dawg this Friday at 10:00. Hope to see you there!

I’m glad to be back at it after a two-week break! We still have legislation and court cases to talk about, and the next school year is drawing near.  So set down that trashy beach novel for a bit, turn off Netflix, and let’s turn our attention to the law!

Speaking of legislation, tomorrow I will be doing an audioconference along with Andrea Gulley to give you a review of all of the major pieces of legislation from this past session. It’s not too late to sign up. Go to info@wabsa.com, or just go to the firm’s website at www.walshgallegos.com

Then this Friday it’s time for Zooming with the Dawg again! We’ll be up at 10:00 and hope to see a bunch of your happy faces.  The main topic will be the Supreme Court decision that combines  social media, F-Bombs, the First Amendment, and extracurricular activities.  That provides plenty of grist for the mill.  That case will be the subject of Friday’s Daily Dawg, and then we’ll go into more detail on Friday on the Zoom call.   You might want to invite your A.D. to join us. 


Got a question or comment for the Dawg?  Let me hear from you at jwalsh@wabsa.com

Tomorrow: Memories of a writing assignment.