Toolbox Tuesday!! Today’s post comes from ChatGPT!

I’ve been reading about this new form of artificial intelligence that threatens to put all of us out of work. So I gave it a try. I first asked the robot on the other end: “Do you know any good jokes?”

Here’s what I got:

Sure, here’s a classic one:

Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing.

Not bad. I would describe that as more of a riddle than a joke, but let’s not be too picky.

So then I decided to challenge the robot with a question appropriate for Toolbox Tuesday. I asked: “What are the laws about discipline of students with disabilities?”

Here’s the response:

In the United States, students with disabilities are protected by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. These laws provide guidelines for how students with disabilities should be disciplined in schools.

Under IDEA, students with disabilities cannot be disciplined for behavior that is a manifestation of their disability. This means that if a student misbehaves because of their disability, they cannot be punished for it. Instead, the school must provide support and services to help the student manage their behavior.

If a student with a disability violates the school’s code of conduct, the school must hold a manifestation determination review (MDR) to determine if the behavior was a result of the student’s disability. If it is determined that the behavior was a manifestation of the disability, the school cannot suspend or expel the student. Instead, the school must provide appropriate support and services to help the student manage their behavior.

If the behavior was not a manifestation of the disability, the school can discipline the student in the same way they would discipline a student without a disability. However, the school must still provide services to help the student manage their behavior.

Under Section 504, schools cannot discriminate against students with disabilities in discipline. This means that students with disabilities must be disciplined in the same way as students without disabilities. However, schools must provide reasonable accommodations to help students with disabilities understand and comply with the school’s code of conduct.

In general, schools must ensure that any disciplinary action taken against a student with a disability is based on a fair and objective assessment of the situation, and that the student’s disability is taken into account in any decision-making.

Sheesh. The robot spit all that out in seconds. It’s a good summary of the basics.

So I guess you won’t be needing me anymore around here. It’s been fun.


Got a question or comment for the Dawg? Let me hear from you at

Tomorrow: the age old question: was it “reasonable”?