Tag Archives: LEGISLATION 2017

Cyberbullying and “bullycide” addressed in SB 179

S.B. 179 is a sweeping piece of legislation addressing cyberbullying and related issues.  This includes what has now come to be known as “bullycide”—situations in which students commit suicide after a pervasive campaign of bullying.

All educators should pay attention to this one.  If passed, this bill would make it clear that the school district has the authority to deal with “cyberbullying” that occurs entirely off campus if it “interferes with a student’s educational opportunities; or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of a classroom, school, or school-sponsored or school-related activity.”

The bill defines “bullying communication” to include expression that “urges or incites the recipient to commit or attempt to commit suicide.”  It imposes liability for any person who engages in “actionable bullying” aimed at a person younger than 18.  It also imposes liability on the parent of a child who engages in actionable bullying, even if the parent knew nothing about it.

This is a lengthy, sweeping bill addressing many sensitive issues. We will write more about it next week.  For now—go to www.capitol.state.tx.us and take a look at SB 179.


File this one under: LEGISLATION 2017

See you next week!

Keep an eye on HB 218….

House Bill 218 is about improper relationships between educators and students. This is one that educators should keep an eye on.  Legislators are very concerned about the increase in reported instances of educator misconduct and we are almost certain to get new legislation on this topic, but this bill may take things too far.

Section 5 of the bill would require a person who applies for a job as an educator to file an affidavit “disclosing whether the applicant has ever been charged with, accused of, adjudicated for, or convicted of having an inappropriate relationship with a minor.”

Really?  If anyone, anywhere, anytime, with or without justification, accuses me of an improper relationship I must disclose this to a prospective new employer? What school district is going to hire that candidate?  If enacted into law as written, this would effectively end the career of any educator who is accused of wrongdoing, even when there is no truth to the accusation.

SB 7 is the companion to this bill in the Senate and it has already been passed. It includes a number of provisions designed to tighten up on teacher misconduct, but does not contain this provision.  If the House passes this one, the two bodies will have to reconcile the two.  So stay tuned.


File this one under: LEGISLATION 2017

Tomorrow: another bill to watch for… cyberbullying and “bullycide.”