Is it an “aversive technique” to require kids to wear a mask?

DEAR DAWG: Snort, here.  Rip Snort.  Intrepid Reporter and Friend of the Truth. In all the controversy over mask-wearing Your Intrepid Reporter believes we may be overlooking a very simple and straightforward statement in the Texas Education Code. How this has gone unnoticed for this long makes one wonder: who is involved in this coverup?  We intend to ferret out the truth. 

As a student of the law, I expect you are already well aware of the T.E.C. provision I refer to.   Section 37.0023 prohibits certain “aversive techniques” including anything that

impairs the student’s breathing, including any procedure that involves….(B) obstructing the student’s airway, including placing an object in, on, or over the student’s mouth or placing a bag, cover OR MASK over the student’s face;  T.E.C. 37.0023(a)(7)(B), Emphasis added. 

What could be more clear?  A communication on your blog would be helpful in “umasking” this coverup.  SNORT.

DEAR SNORT: Always good to hear from you, Snort, but we think you perhaps failed to read the entire statute.  The statute provides 13 examples of techniques that are prohibited, but only if they fit the umbrella definition of “aversive technique” which is:

A technique or intervention that is intended to reduce the likelihood of a behavior reoccurring by intentionally inflicting on a student significant physical or emotional discomfort or pain.  T.E.C. 37.0023(a). 

No one is requiring students to wear a mask because they want to inflict significant discomfort or pain.  They do it in order to avoid the spread of a dangerous virus. Sort of different, dontcha see?

Keep at it, Intrepid Reporter.  There is certainly a Pulitzer-Worthy Scoop out there for you somewhere, but this ain’t it. 


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