First Day of School!

I know.  You already started.  The Dawg is a bit late with this annual celebration, but be that as it may: here’s hoping for a wonderful 2023-24 school year! 

In our firm we have a tradition of sharing “first day” pictures of our kids and grandkids.  Jameson Baker started us off this year on August 7 with his picture of the impossibly cute Brynn, proudly holding the placard that displayed her age (3), height (3’5”) and ambition: “When I grow up I want to be an artist.”  Brynn’s smile has enough wattage to power a small village for several months.  What a good way to start the annual Walsh Gallegos First Day Photo Fest!

It got me to thinking about that common question: “what do you want to be when you grow up?”  If someone asked me before my first day of kindergarten I’m pretty sure my answer would have been “Center Fielder for the Chicago White Sox.” 

How would it work if, when we asked kids that question, we told them to answer with an adjective rather than a noun?  What if we asked them to consider answers like: “happy; kind; loving; compassionate; grateful; friendly.” Or of course the answers might be “rich; good looking; popular.” 

This might be a good question to ask yourself as you start off on Another Lap Around the Track. Visualize June 1, 2024. As you look back on the school year just completed, how do you hope to feel?  How do you expect to feel? 

I’m guessing that “exhausted” and “relieved” would be common answers. But let’s leave room for “grateful” and “satisfied.”

Best of luck for the new school year, Loyal Daily Dawg Readers.  Let’s all remember that the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. 


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Tomorrow: Toolbox Tuesday!!