BTS 2020: Topics we will address….

This year we are doing the Back to School program remotely on four consecutive Wednesdays in September.  Here is a preview of content for the first two:

September 9:  A SCHOOL YEAR UNLIKE ANY OTHER: HOW DO WE DO THIS?  We kick off the BTS 2020 with the myriad legal issues surrounding the opening of our schools in the midst of a pandemic.  How do we serve students safely and effectively?   What to say to staff members nervous about returning to work?  We are dealing with a tangle of federal, state and local guidelines along with the policies and directions of the school board: the Law Dawg will help untangle all of that….as much as possible.

September 16:  NEW REGULATIONS FOR TITLE IX: ARE YOU READY?  The Law Dawg will be joined by Sarah Orman, Lead Attorney with the Texas Association of School Boards, for a review of the new regulations implementing Title IX.   The new regulations provide definitions of “sexual harassment” and lay out the specifics of how districts are expected to respond to reports of such behavior by staff or students.   These regulations will require significant changes in district practices.  The emphasis in this presentation will be on policy as well as practice. Title IX Coordinators, superintendents, HR Directors and campus administrators are encouraged to attend. 

As always, the content of these presentations will focus on the practical application of the law in the day-to-day operation of your school.  Hope to “see” you there! Sign up through ED311 at


Tomorrow: More on BTS 2020