Zooming with the Dawg Returns!

We’re Zooming again, Loyal DD Readers!  This Thursday, August 17th at 10:00 I’ll be Zooming along with my partner, Jameson Baker, as we review some of the more high profile laws that are going into effect with the start of the school year.  This is a free monthly event for all Loyal Daily Dawg Subscribers. 

Jameson and I hope you can join us.  If you are not sure you are registered for these events, please contact Liz Clay at lclay@wabsa.com. Liz can make sure you are set up.

The agenda for this month’s Zoom will involve 1) changes to how we serve students with dyslexia as per HB 3928. This one also has implications for your kids in DAEP which we will discuss; 2) Speaking of DAEP, we’ll talk about HB 114 that calls for mandatory time in DAEP for those vapers; and 3) HB 3—an armed security person on each campus. How will you handle that?

In the past we have done the Zoom call on the third Thursday of the month. This year it’s going to move around a bit.  Here’s the schedule for Zooming with the Dawg this school year. Hope you will mark your calendars to make time to join us:

August 17

September 28

October 26

November 30

December 21

January 25

February 22

March 28

April 25

May 23

All of that subject to change as things come up, but that’s the schedule for now.


Got a question or comment for the Dawg?  Let me hear from you at jwalsh@wabsa.com

Tomorrow: Toolbox Tuesday!!