Whataburgergate: Just what, exactly, does “unprofessional” mean

This school year got off to a rousing start due to Whataburgergate: the news from way out west that two superintendents got into a physical confrontation during TASB’s SLI Conference last summer.  At the Whataburger!  It’s amazing that this story did not break earlier. 

Once the story broke, it did not take long for the term “unprofessional” to surface.  But what exactly does that mean?

In workshops I have conducted about employee documentation I have recommended that supervisors think twice before slinging this loaded word around.  There are two reasons for that. First, it is vague.  What you think is “unprofessional” may look like quite different to someone else.  Secondly, the term reflects on character, which means you are likely to get a strong, defensive response.  It is not unusual for the recipient of a memo, charged with “unprofessional” conduct, to throw the term right back at the supervisor.  “Unprofessional, you say! Hrmph!! Let’s talk about your behavior at last years’ coaches’ conference!”

On the other hand, there are times when “unprofessional” just seems like exactly the right descriptor.  So we would not say that this word should never show up in a corrective memo—only that we should think carefully about its use.  If you think the employee’s conduct was “unprofessional” can you point to the specific standard that was violated? Did the employee disparage students?  Was the employee rude to a parent or colleague?  Usually you can cite some local policy or ethical standard that establishes what “professional” means.  Falling short of that standard would be “unprofessional.” So we think it is a good idea to tie this term to a standard. 

Remember: there is GOOD DOCUMENTATION and there is BAD DOCUMENTATION.  Make sure yours is of the GOOD variety. It’s more…..professional.


Tomorrow: Toolbox Tuesday!!