What Does it Take to be a Special Educator?

The 30th Annual TCASE/Legal Digest Legal conference is just around the corner. I’ve been privileged to be a part of this event from the beginning. It is something I always look forward to.

This year TCASE and my friends at the Legal Digest are promoting the conference with emails and tweets about “what special educators need to know” or “what they need to have.”

I’ll tell you what they need to have.  They need to have a great deal of pride in the moral and legal commitment our country has made to serve every child, regardless of the nature or the severity of the child’s disability.  They need to be proud to be a part of that.

Of course they need a lot of training, great people skills, strong relationships with general educators. All of that is important. But let’s put first things first.  Special educators are fulfilling our country’s legal and moral commitment to serve those who are often discarded or forgotten altogether.  They should be proud of that.

The annual conference will be held in New Braunfels on April 13th and again in Arlington on April 27th.  Sign up at http://legaldigestevents.com. I hope to see you there.