We’re nearing the end of the school year and I suspect there are a lot of annual ARD meetings being held. In the Toolbox Training our firm offers we discuss one of the questions that is embedded in your forms, the question that has to be asked at every annual ARD: “Does the student have behaviors that impede the learning of the student or others?” I’ll bet your forms have a YES and a NO box after that. Today, let me offer a few reminders about that question.
First, notice that it does not ask if the behaviors are in any way connected with the student’s disability. That question may come up later if you have to make a manifestation determination, but it’s not relevant here. The question is simpler: do we see behaviors that are impeding educational progress?
Second, remember that if you check the YES box, you need to then consider how to address the issue. There are many ways to address behavioral issues. Checking the YES box does not automatically entitle the student to a BIP. But it does require consideration and documentation of what the ARD members considered.
Third, when you check the YES box and then identify the specific behaviors of concern, this does not mean that the behaviors are a manifestation of disability. Sometimes campus behavior coordinators are fearful that checking “YES” will box them in later in the year if an MDR is necessary. Not so. As we stated two paragraphs above, checking the YES box only means that there are behaviors that impede learning. They may or may not be caused by the student’s disability.
In our firm’s Toolbox Training we discuss this in detail, and offer some language designed to make the process more easily understood by everyone. Let me know if you are interested in a Toolbox Training.
Got a question or comment for the Dawg? Let me hear from you at jwalsh@wabsa.com.
Tomorrow: an old lesson from a new case…