The annual PDK poll.

Phi Delta Kappan magazine has been reporting the results of its annual poll about attitudes toward public education for 51 years.  This year’s results are summarized in the September 2019 issue of the PDK magazine.

The most discouraging piece of data is that for the first time in the history of the poll a majority of teachers (55%) do not want their children to follow in their footsteps.  Half of the teachers polled said that they are seriously considering leaving the profession.  The most cited reason for this was poor pay and benefits. Surprised?  I didn’t think so.

As far as good news, 76% of parents give their child’s school a rating of A or B.  This is up from 70% last year. 

The poll results also including an interesting chart showing what is perceived to be the biggest problem facing our schools.  The answer to that question has changed over the years.

1969 to 1985:  Lack of discipline (every year except one).

1986 to 1992: drugs. 

1993 to 2001: a mixed bag of responses: discipline, drugs, gangs, lack of money.

2002 to 2019: lack of financial support.

You can access the whole thing at  Interesting reading for those who care about our public schools.


Tomorrow: Is your bleeding control station ready?