Texas Monthly Cover Story: School shooting in Austin….

The cover story in the April issue of Texas Monthly is about a 1978 shooting that occurred at Murchison Middle School in Austin ISD. A bright and popular 8th grader, son of well-connected parents, shot and killed Rod Grayson, a teacher, in front of a room full of students. The TM story recounts the aftermath and the way the horrific incident affected the kids in that classroom, now in their 50s.

One of the things I learned from this article is that there is a Memorial to Fallen Educators where Mr. Grayson is memorialized along with teachers from Sandy Hook, Santa Fe, and other places where teachers have been murdered in the line of duty. This Memorial is at the National Teachers Hall of Fame at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas. Did you know there was such a thing?  Me neither.

Just thought you might want to know. Hope you can find the time to read this excellent piece of journalism by Robert Draper at www.texasmonthly.com


Interested in Zooming with the Dawg?  We’re doing that on Monday, April 27 at 10:00.  If you want in, send an email to jwalsh@wabsa.com.  Free.  Only for subscribers.

Tomorrow: court reaches same destination as the Commissioner, but by a different route.