The Walsh Gallegos firm offers two webinars next week that you may want to sign up for. The details:
DATE: January 17 at 10:00a.m.
TOPIC: Using Independent Contractors to Help with Staff Shortages
PRESENTERS: Shellie Crow and David Holmes
We know that many districts are struggling with staff shortages and the use of independent contractors offers one solution. However, there are many legal pitfalls to be aware of in the use of non-employees. Shellie and David will focus on the practical and the helpful as they guide you through this issue.
DATE: January 18, at 10:00a.m.
TOPIC: Legal Update for Special Education Evaluation Personnel
PRESENTERS: Paula Maddox Roalson and Christina Garcia-Henshaw
All decisions about what goes into a student’s IEP must be based on evaluation data. The district is responsible for assuring the quality and validity of all evaluation data. Thus we annually provide this update as there are so many legal ins and outs to be aware of. Paula and Christina know their way around these issues and will provide a comprehensive and practical review.
You can register for either or both of these at
We offer discounted prices for districts that are “retainer clients.” What…you don’t know about that? Well, give us a call and we’ll fill you in.
Meanwhile we are doing a webinar with TASPA (Texas Association of School Personnel Administrators) next week also. Details:
DATE: January 18 at 10:00a.m.
TOPIC: Recent Employment Decisions and You
PRESENTERS: Laura Rodriguez McLean and Crystal Hernandez
We’re delighted to team up with TASPA for this one, the first of four webinars our attorneys will be providing. This one comes at the right time, as your major personnel decisions are on the horizon. Laura and Crystal will review some relevant recent cases and point out the practical implications for you. You can sign up for this one through TASPA:
Then there is our monthly Zooming with the Dawg—a freebie for all Loyal Daily Dawg Readers. For this month the Zoom call will have a particular focus—Child Find. Here are the details:
DATE: January 19 at 10:00a.m.
TOPIC: Do We Have to Evaluate EVERY STUDENT???
PRESENTERS: Jim Walsh and Kelly Janes
We are aware of the pressure you are feeling, part of it coming from lawyers who seem to be suggesting that the only safe course of action is to evaluate everyone. We hope to offer a practical and legally compliant process for addressing Child Find concerns the right way.
Got a question or comment for the Dawg? Let me hear from you at
Tomorrow: speaking of Child Find….