Maybe I should become a Mormon…..

The problem with being a lawyer and a Christian is the Scriptures. We are the only profession condemned in Scripture.  From Genesis to Revelations, just about every profession is mentioned. There are kings, servants, soldiers, tax collectors, doctors, teachers.  I don’t recall any specific mention of educational diagnosticians, but there are soothsayers and prophets, which are sort of similar.  There are lots of hookers in the Bible, and every one of them is given a chance for redemption.

But it says: “Woe unto you, lawyers!”  Luke 11:46. Sheesh.  This is not some obscure verse buried in Numbers. It’s Jesus hisownself talking. “Woe unto you, lawyers!”  Who wants “woe”???

So I was speaking at a conference in Provo, Utah recently and I mentioned this to the audience, and then asked: what does the Book of Mormon say about lawyers?  I figured there would be more than a few LDS members in the crowd.

One of them sent me this:

Now they knew not that Amulek could know of their designs. But it came to pass as they began to question him, he perceived their thoughts, and he said unto them: O ye wicked and perverse generation, ye lawyers and hypocrites, for ye are laying the foundations of the devil; for ye are laying traps and snares to catch the holy ones of God.  Ye are laying plans to pervert the ways of the righteous, and to bring down the wrath of God upon your heads, even to the utter destruction of this people.  Alma 10: 17-18.

Yikes.  Jesus promises us “woe” and Amulek calls down “the wrath of God” upon us.  We are accused of laying traps, snares and the foundations of the devil. I thought I was simply trying to help people understand the nepotism laws of Texas, and how to conduct a proper manifestation determination.

We will trudge on.  I’m going to explore the Upanishads. Surely there is some major religion out there that will give us lawyers a break.


 It’s Labor Day Weekend, folks!! Enjoy.  The Dawg returns on Tuesday.