Heard any good lawyer jokes lately?

Here’s an oldie but goodie:

Two guys were in a hot air balloon when they drifted way off course.  They dropped the balloon to about 75 feet and saw a man in overalls driving a tractor in a field. They got his attention and yelled: “Where are we?”  The man stopped the tractor, looked around, and responded: “Your’re about 75  feet straight overhead.”  They thanked him and went on. 

One man in the balloon turned to the other and observed, “Isn’t that just our luck?  Here we are lost, and the first guy we ask for help turns out to be an attorney at law!”  

His friend responded “A lawyer?  Why do you think that?  Looked like a farmer to me.”

“I know he looked like a farmer, but look at what just happened.  We asked him a question.  He gave us an answer.  I’m sure that his answer was completely accurate. And we are just as lost now as we were before we asked him.”

The other guy was skeptical. But when the travelers eventually found their way home, they also found a bill for $50, citing “Legal services rendered: assisted clients in ascertaining current status.” 

Have you heard any good ones lately?  The Dawg offers a free six-month extension of your subscription to the Loyal Daily Dawg Reader who sends me the best one I’ve never heard.  So don’t bother telling me about the difference between a lawyer and a catfish; or what to do with a lawyer buried in sand up to the neck; or what lawyers and sperm have in common; or why lab scientists now use lawyers instead of rats; or why lawyers are buried 12 feet down.  Heard ‘em all. 

Send your best lawyer jokes to jwalsh@wabsa.com.  Keep them clean—this is a family oriented publication.  And Happy April Fools Day!


Got a question or comment for the Dawg?  Let me hear from you at jwalsh@wabsa.com