Got a Hard ARD coming up?

One of the fortunate things about living in Texas is that we have ARD meetings. The rest of the country, lacking in imagination, calls these things IEP Team meetings because that’s what the federal regulations call them.  Pish posh.  Here in the Lone Star State we are not encumbered by deference to things federal. We choose to call them ARD meetings.  Why?  Because we are Texas, that’s why.

I have heard some of you suggest that ARD stands for “Anguish Remorse and Denial.” Not true. The real meaning is “Admission, Review and Dismissal.” This is a sensible name for a group that does those three things—it admits students to special education services, it review progress, and sometimes it dismisses students. Of course, along the way it also develops IEPs, makes placement decisions and conducts manifestation determinations.

Sometimes ARD meetings can be challenging—thus the “Hard ARD.” ARD Committees address difficult issues, often in the midst of strong emotional currents and/or the threat of litigation.  Educators who participate try to serve the student well, maintain a good relationship with the parent, get the paperwork filled out properly, and comply with the law. Not easy to do all four of those things at the same time.

That’s why our firm is offering an audio conference on this topic: The Hard ARD and How to Handle It.  Attorneys Denise Hays and Charlotte Salter will provide insights and recommendations based on their many years of collective experience in this field.  I can guarantee you that this one will be practical and relevant, addressing the kind of situations you lose sleep over.

Sign up for the audio conference at the firm’s website:  The Hard ARD audioconference is December 2 at 10:00 a.m.  Don’t miss it!