Evolving Standards for Sex Discrimination

Our firm is offering a webinar on the Evolving Standards for Sex Discrimination next Tuesday. I can hardly think of a more timely or relevant topic.  We had a major Supreme Court decision last year about discrimination based on sexual orientation or transgender status.  We have cases pending at all levels of the judiciary about transgender students.  Title IX regulations regarding sexual harassment have been in place for over a year now.  So we offer this webinar for superintendents, HR directors, principals and Title IX coordinators.  Here are the specifics:

November 9, 2021: 10:00 a.m.
Evolving Standards for Sex Discrimination
Presented by Melanie Charleston and Morgan Beam

This is a cost effective way to receive training on this important topic.  Sign up at www.walshgallegos.com


Got a question or comment for the Dawg?  Let me hear from you at jwalsh@wabsa.com

Tomorrow: Toolbox Tuesday!!