Ever worry about copyright issues, trademarks and stuff like that????

Your All Night Do Right Law Firm has you covered on this.  Besides knowing about student discipline, nepotism, 313 agreements, manifestation determinations and teacher nonrenewals, the lawyers in our firm are also conversant with trademarks, copyright, and other intellectual property issues. These issues have become more prominent for school districts in recent years as teacher webpages have proliferated and marketing companies have sometimes sought to use district logos to sell products.

We’re providing an audioconference on this subject next Wednesday, November 7.  Attorney Haley Turner from our Austin office will be joined by Attorney Barry Berenberg from our Albuquerque office for a lively and informative discussion, with an emphasis on practical application.  Go to our firm’s website to sign up: www.walshgallegos.com.


 Tomorrow: Ever heard the expression “judge, jury and executioner”?