Did you know that it’s Law Day?

Well it is.  So find a lawyer and hug said lawyer.  See how I neatly avoided using a gender-based pronoun there?  That’s just one of the nifty tricks we lawyerly wordsmiths use.

It’s also David Thompson’s birthday.  You know…David Thompson, the lawyer. Thompson and Horton David Thompson, not to be confused with Ph.D. Dr. David Thompson at UTSA.  So if you encounter David (virtually of course) wish him a Happy Birthday and tell him I sent him your way.

It’s also my birthday.  And this year marks a Significant Round Number.  Upon the completion of my seventh decade, a few words of gratitude are in order.  I have learned that the regular expression of gratitude is a key to a good life. 

So in no particular order of importance, I offer gratitude for Oreo cookies, mom and dad, big brother and sister, Sister Mary Holywater, all the good priests in my life, my education, Blue Bell,  mentors who steered me toward school law, all of the wonderful educators I’ve gotten to know, Thin Mints, Nathalie Sorrell (wife for almost 47 years), moving to Texas at age 16, special ed directors who taught me to two-step, IBC Root Beer, the first child, the partners in my law firm, the second child, good health, the Astros winning the World Series, the first grandchild, Vince Young scoring that touchdown against USC, the second grandchild, Irish heritage, hearing aids, knees that got me through three marathons before they quit, and my hair. 

Thanks for being part of my journey.  Let’s continue.