In three recent decisions, the Austin Court of Appeals has validated T.E.A.’s authority to take strong action—action to revoke a charter school’s charter, or to shut down a traditional district. All manner of legal arguments were put forth by the schools in these cases to no avail. We’re not going into detail on these cases here, but just want to let you know that the failure to meet state standards can have major negative consequences.
Two of these cases involved the revocation of a charter school’s charter. They are Texas Education Agency v. American YouthWorks, Inc. 2016 WL 3230661, decided by the Court of Appeals in Austin on June 10, 2016; and Texas Education Agency v. Academy of Careers and Technologies, Inc., 2016 WL 3917177, decided on July 13, 2016.
The third case is Morath v. LaMarque ISD, 2016 WL 3517955, decided on June 24, 2016.
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