Back to School Program around the corner.

I hope to see many Daily Dawg readers at this year’s Back to School program. We have a lot to talk about this year.  The Legislature was uber productive, enacting many new laws that will have a major impact on the day-to-day operations of the school. And it’s that day-to-day practical application that has always been the focus of the Back to School Program.  Besides the new laws, we will be reviewing important court cases that have implications for you in special education, Section 504, personnel, student discipline and other issues.

This year we are going to nine locations.  You can sign up for the program through ED311. So go to their website:

Here’s the schedule:

September 10:             Kilgore                        Region 7

September 12:             Fort Worth                  Region 11

September 13:             Lubbock                      Region 17

September 17:             Midland/Odessa          Region 18

September 23:             Richardson                  Richardson Civic Center

September 27:             Corpus Christi             Region 2

October 1:                   Bryan                          Brazos County Expo Center

October 3:                   Friendswood ISD       Friendswood Annex

October 10:                 New Braunfels            New Braunfels Civic Convention Center

There’s a new wrinkle this year for three of these. In Fort Worth, Lubbock and Richardson I will be joined by TASB attorney, Sarah Orman. Sarah will give us the inside scoop on how all of the new laws will be addressed in local policy.  As many of you know, Sarah Orman used to be Sarah Walsh.  She’s my daughter, so it is a particular treat for me to get to share this professional experience with her. 


Tomorrow: Football!