Now that the Lege has headed home, it’s time to take a look at what they did. One of the first bills to get passed by both Senate and House informed me of a good program that I knew nothing about. S.B. 2075 requires schools to make sure that parents of certain students are notified of the free audiobooks that are available through the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
Did you know about that? I didn’t, but the program has been around for over 100 years. Take a look at this:
This program provides audiobooks and large print texts for people with visual, physical, or reading disabilities. The new wrinkle in the law is designed to make sure that parents of kids who might have dyslexia are aware of it. The law requires schools to notify parents of “each student determined, on the basis of a screening under Section 38.003 or other basis, to have dyslexia or a related disorder, or determined on the basis of reading instrument results, to be at risk for dyslexia or other reading difficulties.”
T.E.A. will be required to adopt rules about this and to audit and monitor schools for compliance. It shouldn’t be too hard to comply with this new law. If screening or other procedures identify Billy as having dyslexia, or being at risk for it, his parents should be informed of this program.
Tomorrow: Toolbox Tuesday!