Annual Back to School Tour about to hit the road!

It’s that time of year again.  The Dawg is about to begin the tour of Texas with a full day “Back to School” program. As usual, this year we will divide the day into four quarters, each dedicated to an area of school law that administrators, teachers and board members need to know about. This year we will cover:

PERSONNEL:  Grievances, documentation, transfers, terminations, nonrenewals, sexual harassment and personal liability.

STUDENTS: Social media, discipline, free speech rights, search and seizure, bullying.

SPECIAL EDUCATION: Discipline, ARD meetings, evaluations and a special emphasis on serving students with dyslexia.

THE CULTURE WARS COME TO YOUR SCHOOL: Sex, politics, religion and the public school.  Oh boy.

I hope you can join me at one of these. Here’s the schedule for this year:

September 10:             Region 17                    Lubbock

September 13:             Region 10                    Richardson

September 14:             Region 11                    Fort Worth—with co-presenter Haley Turner

September 24:             Region 13                    Austin—with co-presenter Haley Turner

September 27:             Region 20                    San Antonio—with co-presenter Haley Turner

October 1                    Region 7                      Kilgore

October 5                    Region 19                    El Paso

October 8                    Region 18                    Midland/Odessa

October 15                  Harris County DOE    Houston

October 19                  Region 2                      Corpus Christi

I’m delighted to have my law partner, Haley Turner, join me for three of these—Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio.

The annual BTS tour is once again sponsored by Texas School Administrators’ Legal Digest. To register, go to


 Tomorrow: Toolbox Tuesday!